Winding down the season + Menu for (9/18-9/19

Winding down the season + Menu for (9/18-9/19

 Our second to last weekend before we close for the season! I'm a little sad that we're already at the end of our run this year, but I look forward to all that our first New England fall has to offer! The leaves are already beginning to change and with each passing day I'm more and more excited for my favorite season! Fall is such a cozy season, with the crisp morning air we pull on our sweaters and may light the fire. The kids get on the school bus ( a first for us!) and I light all my cozy fall scented candles! I baked my first loaf of brioche last week, and dove into Icelandic Kleinur. It's a breakfast-y pastry, kind of like a donut but not at all. I know, not very helpful. I'll be making more and if I can keep them out of everyone's hands for long enough I'll share a photo and the recipe. 

Along with fall baking we are focusing on comfort food at the Food Truck, some of our favorites to share with you these last couple weekends. 

 9/18: The Hub on the Hill 8-1
9/19: The Hub on the Hill 8-1
9/24: The Hub on the Hill 8-1
9/25: The Hub on the Hill 8-1


We would love to see you this weekend!! 



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